Since it’s been a few years since the our 2012 kits and we’ve had a rebrand to Applause it seemed the time was right to update our gear.  This post is a few months late but since I was off the road bike for most of the year I’m just revisiting […]
Meet Applause: An App Quality Company! Applause is an app quality company that helps thousands of customers launch apps that win – from web, to mobile to wearables and beyond.  Our app quality solutions include testing services, developer tools to enable build distribution, crash reporting & user feedback, and analytics […]
Simply put, how cool are these!? Want one of your own? Â Get your orders in here by Sunday, April 8th! Look for them “in the wild” this spring.
[Cross Post from the uTest Software Testing Blog.] We’re just about halfway through the year but I’m calling it now: 2011 is the year of the hacker. Grim?  Maybe.  Just about every week there has been a new story about a company being hacked and it’s costing companies millions of […]
Another wonderful cross post from the glorious uTest blog: There are only two kinds of people who aren’t following the iPad 2 saga with every waking moment – luddites and first gen iPad owners. I fall into the second category. Before we get into the iPad 2 details, a quick […]
This is a cross post from the uTest blog.  The original, with read comments, is available here. One thing I’ve learned in life is that it’s important to test everything to prepare for worst-case scenarios — whether it’s software, emergency response, or simply your new snow tires in a desolate […]
Note: this is a cross-post from the uTest software testing blog.  Please visit the original post for more comments, Tweets, and other goodness. I recently attended a marketing conference that discussed emerging technology trends. When the panel was asked what was the single-word topic of 2010 they almost all said, […]
I’ve had a few friends inquire about positions at uTest recently and I’ve found myself repeating myself over and over again, so I thought I’d add a quick “FAQ†of what my friends have asked and my answers. This is a work in progress so I’ll try to update this […]
It’s official; I’ve survived my first “hump day†in my new company. More importantly, the more I learn about the opportunity with each passing day the more I get absolutely excited about its potential. Don’t get me wrong, consulting over the past year was a lot of fun and I’ve […]