I passed on the Google Dance this year but was curious to see pictures in near-real time (from less than an hour ago). Google and the other search engines can’t pull the data in that quickly but Twitter is able to using search.Twitter.com (aka Summize). A quick search for “Google […]
Some interesting graphs illustrating Facebook and Twitter demographics by state: http://andrewchen.typepad.com/andrew_chens_blog/2008/08/early-adopters-vs-the-mainstream-google-insights-points-out-websites-only-used-by-silicon-valley-nerds.html
Twitter has purchased Summize for a rumored $15M. Here’s Twitter’s blog on the subject. I’m still luke warm on Twitter, but I certainly think this is a good purchase for them. “Summize is a popular service for searching Twitter and keeping up with emerging trends in real-time. Like Twitter, Summize […]
For a while I’ve wanted to have a page dedicated to my Twitterverse. This isn’t it. The reason I’ve wanted a dedicated page isn’t to track traffic (Google Analytics & WordPress Site Stats do that just fine) but more so because my connections on Twitter interact in a very unique […]