I’ve been thinking about sharing more photos online via Twitter and Facebook but was curious what information was actually being shared when I uploaded a picture. I’ve done some sleuthing and it turns out the answer is a lot. Similar to a webpage having source code (and metadata) a picture […]
Facebook recently announced an update to, “make advertisements more interested and more tailored†and they’re calling it Social Ads. What it does, basically, is tag users names to products they like. For example, if you like BMW’s company page your name and/or profile picture could appear at the bottom of […]
Two important pieces of information from Facebook – First, Facebook has rolled out a new commenting system in an attempt to be the go-to tool for commenting on blog posts. This is a publisher-side feature, meaning blog administrators need to make the change. This is an important move from Facebook […]
Google has published a facial recognition patent that might be used to auto-tag people across the web.  Auto-tagging, feature recognition, and 3D modeling are far from new concepts so it seems like Google is going to rush to beat Facebook to the punch.  I suspect that in five years you’ll be […]
Note: this is a cross-post from the uTest software testing blog.  Please visit the original post for more comments, Tweets, and other goodness. I recently attended a marketing conference that discussed emerging technology trends. When the panel was asked what was the single-word topic of 2010 they almost all said, […]
I love this infographic from WordStream illustrating the diminishing default privacy in Facebook. Â It certainly reinforces that in this digital age you need to be aware of how to edit your Facebook privacy settings. It’s also interesting to note the amount of times, on average, each person is photographed (at […]
In August of 2008 I wrote a blog post on how to adjust your Facebook privacy options within your friend network – this is still something I would suggest reviewing on a regular basis. (Mashable has ‘lists’ as their number one tip for Facebook users.) More recently, however, Facebook has […]
After watching Clay Shirkley’s TED Talk presentation last week I had to watch my all time favorite TED Talk; Blaise Aguera y Arcas demos Photosynth. This was the first TED Talk that really captured my interest. Photosynth has the ability to identify the content within a picture and overlap it […]
A close friend (“cc†aka Chris Crosby) sent this to me yesterday but I’m just getting around to checking it out this morning; http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2009/05/more-ways-to-share-your-google-latitude.html Two items: “Google Talk location status (beta) automatically updates your Google Talk or Gmail chat status message with your Latitude location.†“The Google Public Location Badge […]
Here’s a very important note on Google’s belief of privacy: http://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2009/03/exclusive-google-takes-stand-location-privacy-alon The key point; “Google has confirmed that its policy will be to require a wiretap order before tracking a Latitude user’s location for law enforcement.” It’s good to see that they still follow their, “Don’t Be Evil” motto. I’m […]