Facebook recently announced an update to, “make advertisements more interested and more tailored†and they’re calling it Social Ads. What it does, basically, is tag users names to products they like. For example, if you like BMW’s company page your name and/or profile picture could appear at the bottom of […]
How To
One of the great aspects of online advertising is that there are many tools that can be utilized that cost very little to nothing. I’ve received a few questions from friends on where they should start to think about advertising online so I’m going to use this post to address […]
Update 5/11/11: Before you use Formulists please read my update and the comments at the bottom of this post. Call it a 2011 New Years Resolution if you must but one of my goals for this year is to do a better job of managing my Twitter feed. Â I’m trying […]
Two important pieces of information from Facebook – First, Facebook has rolled out a new commenting system in an attempt to be the go-to tool for commenting on blog posts. This is a publisher-side feature, meaning blog administrators need to make the change. This is an important move from Facebook […]
Here’s the post I wanted to write for new Twitter users – not the step by step I outlined in “Twitter 101†(which discusses account setup). The bottom line is that, for me, Twitter is all about conversations. As always I’d love to hear your feedback either @MattSolar, by posting […]
In August of 2008 I wrote a blog post on how to adjust your Facebook privacy options within your friend network – this is still something I would suggest reviewing on a regular basis. (Mashable has ‘lists’ as their number one tip for Facebook users.) More recently, however, Facebook has […]