I don’t want to say that Pete & I were right or that we predicted this over a year ago, but… I don’t know how to finish that sentence. In my original post titled, “Google’s OS (aka Chrome),” I wrote, “Hopefully Microsoft sees this as the threat to XP that it […]
After watching Clay Shirkley’s TED Talk presentation last week I had to watch my all time favorite TED Talk; Blaise Aguera y Arcas demos Photosynth. This was the first TED Talk that really captured my interest. Photosynth has the ability to identify the content within a picture and overlap it […]
A close friend (“cc†aka Chris Crosby) sent this to me yesterday but I’m just getting around to checking it out this morning; http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2009/05/more-ways-to-share-your-google-latitude.html Two items: “Google Talk location status (beta) automatically updates your Google Talk or Gmail chat status message with your Latitude location.†“The Google Public Location Badge […]
Interesting to note, but a non-actionable item; Google will display >25 characters in the title line if it’s a result of Dynamic Keyword Insertion (“DKIâ€) but cannot confirm the maximum amount. I’ve seen examples of 29 characters but Google still recommends that nobody plans on so many. The only takeaway […]
This morning a highly publicized post from a top Designer at Google (http://stopdesign.com/archive/2009/03/20/goodbye-google.html) illustrated some details about the culture of Google and their analytical dependence on data. I was curious to see if the issue was as significant as John Battelle mentioned on his blog. A quick review of employee […]
I have my Tivo setup to record any program containing “Google” in the description, and I wouldn’t have learned about these otherwise. Charlie Rose recently inverviewed both Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google, and Marissa Mayer, V.P. of Search Product and User Experience. I’ve linked to the 7 minute highlights, but […]
Here’s a very important note on Google’s belief of privacy: http://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2009/03/exclusive-google-takes-stand-location-privacy-alon The key point; “Google has confirmed that its policy will be to require a wiretap order before tracking a Latitude user’s location for law enforcement.” It’s good to see that they still follow their, “Don’t Be Evil” motto. I’m […]
Big day for Google: http://news.cnet.com/8301-13580_3-10026577-39.html With a face recognition feature set to launch at noon PDT Tuesday, Google’s Picasa Web Albums will help users label their photos with the names of subjects. That and other changes to the photo-sharing site are joined by a new beta version of the accompanying […]
Hopefully Microsoft sees this as the threat to XP that it is: http://www.google.com/chrome I haven’t played with it too much yet, but is this a replacement for FireFox? My friend Pete (Yettas) claims it’s extremely fast, which is the biggest complaint I hear about FF. March ’09 Update: Aside from […]