Since it’s been a few years since the our 2012 kits and we’ve had a rebrand to Applause it seemed the time was right to update our gear.  This post is a few months late but since I was off the road bike for most of the year I’m just revisiting […]
One of the great tools of the web (and mobile) has been the emergence of social tools with an exercise-centered focus. Â As a competitive data geek who loves to play outdoors, these tools really excite me. Â I bought my first heart rate monitor (HRM) Â – an old Polar that had […]
Simply put, how cool are these!? Want one of your own? Â Get your orders in here by Sunday, April 8th! Look for them “in the wild” this spring.
 Garmin is, hands down, some of the best GPS and heart rate hardware. Their software, however, leaves something to be desired. In fact, they leave a few things to be desired. I’ll skip over some of the technical complaints (like site or product bugs – search Amazon reviews for those) […]
It’s Tour de France time and I need to admit that I havn’t watched the Tour nearly as much as I’d like to this year. I’m adding the TdF to my Tivo’s “To Do List” but in the meantime, here are some of my favorite cycling ads over the past […]