October 2013. Â This was a lot of fun. Â There were some challenges along the way but I definitely enjoy the long distance runs. Not too much of a story here as it’s a pretty standard marathon. Goal: Sub-4:30. Biggest drag was that the hotel room was loud as it was […]
June 2013. Â I’ve had the idea of doing this for years… just didn’t think I’d end up doing it solo. It was a surprising amount of fun. Summary: The ride was a blast. I’ve never spent so much time on the bike in one shot but experienced some gorgeous scenery, […]
From 2008, this has been on my exercise mix for a while. The Red Helmet (2008) from Tyler Young Films on Vimeo.
Yosemite HD from Project Yosemite on Vimeo. Beautiful footage with a great soundtrack by M83 (“Outro” from the “Hurry Up, We’re Dreaming”)
Since it’s been a few years since the our 2012 kits and we’ve had a rebrand to Applause it seemed the time was right to update our gear.  This post is a few months late but since I was off the road bike for most of the year I’m just revisiting […]
I’ve never been bitten by the racing bug but am always interested in new challenges in the form of new, big, or original adventures. Â The key word, to me, is “adventure”. Â When I rethink my year, whether it was adventurous is important to me. Â It doesn’t need to be anything […]
One of the great tools of the web (and mobile) has been the emergence of social tools with an exercise-centered focus. Â As a competitive data geek who loves to play outdoors, these tools really excite me. Â I bought my first heart rate monitor (HRM) Â – an old Polar that had […]