I friend posted an except of this poem to her Facebook wall and I love it (especially the bold part) and wanted to re-share. Near this Spot are deposited the Remains of one who possessed Beauty without Vanity, Strength without Insolence, Courage without Ferosity, and all the virtues of Man […]
“Family members followed Tumilson’s ribbon-winning Labrador retriever, Hawkeye, into the service. Hawkeye later accompanied his new owner, Nichols, Tumilson’s close friend, to the stage, where the Lab dutifully dropped to the floor to listen.”  From here. I’m speech-less.
As my dog, Cooper, keeps my feet warm as I type this I wanted to post a quick follow-up to our March tweet-a-thon to help aid dogs impacted by Japanese tsunami. The fund is used, “to support search and rescue teams and for companion animal relief during natural disasters†and […]
Anyone that follows me on Twitter, Facebook, or Google Reader will know that I love sharing heart warming stories about dogs. I grew up with dogs and my black Lab, Cooper, accompanies me everywhere – yes, I’ve even bring her shopping with me. Â Screw it, she’s my BFF – she’s […]
If you follow me on Twitter or DailyMile you’ll know that I spend a lot of time running, hiking, and skiing with my dog. Getting her out for a run has been a big motivator to get me out and it’s morphed into bringing her along as much as possible. […]