This is an absolutely terrific piece on the historic impact of social media by NYU professor Clay Shirkly. It’s certainly easy to forget about the power of social media when we take it for granted and use it for ‘poking’, and posting pictures of, friends. Shirkly states that, “The moment […]
To some extent, I think search engine marketing (SEM) has become mainstream (dare I say it’s “jumped the sharkâ€?). Everyone obviously appreciates the need to show up in Google via natural search results and it’s come to the point where most everyone understands the same need for paid search. Of […]
A close friend (“cc†aka Chris Crosby) sent this to me yesterday but I’m just getting around to checking it out this morning; Two items: “Google Talk location status (beta) automatically updates your Google Talk or Gmail chat status message with your Latitude location.†“The Google Public Location Badge […]
Interesting to note, but a non-actionable item; Google will display >25 characters in the title line if it’s a result of Dynamic Keyword Insertion (“DKIâ€) but cannot confirm the maximum amount. I’ve seen examples of 29 characters but Google still recommends that nobody plans on so many. The only takeaway […]
A quick background to this post; this morning several friends and I had a conversation spawn about the value of Twitter to the masses. The discussion started between myself (@mattsolar) and my close friend, Pete (@petekuhn). Since we’re both bearish on Twitter’s value I decided to rope in another good […]
This morning a highly publicized post from a top Designer at Google ( illustrated some details about the culture of Google and their analytical dependence on data. I was curious to see if the issue was as significant as John Battelle mentioned on his blog. A quick review of employee […]
For a long time I’ve privately wondered what the relationship is between Google CEO Eric Schmidt and “The Kids in the Hall” genius Mark McKinney. Watching the Charlie Rose interview gave me the motivation to take my speculations public. They look identical and, given the small population of McKinney’s “home” […]
I have my Tivo setup to record any program containing “Google” in the description, and I wouldn’t have learned about these otherwise. Charlie Rose recently inverviewed both Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google, and Marissa Mayer, V.P. of Search Product and User Experience. I’ve linked to the 7 minute highlights, but […]
Here’s a very important note on Google’s belief of privacy: The key point; “Google has confirmed that its policy will be to require a wiretap order before tracking a Latitude user’s location for law enforcement.” It’s good to see that they still follow their, “Don’t Be Evil” motto. I’m […]