I  admit it; I don’t know as much about the American Revolutionary War as I feel I should, especially for a resident of Concord, MA – arguably the birthplace of the American Revolution.  (My wife, born in Philadelphia where the Declaration of Independence was signed 442 days later, always finds […]
Monthly Archives: April 2011
3 posts
As my dog, Cooper, keeps my feet warm as I type this I wanted to post a quick follow-up to our March tweet-a-thon to help aid dogs impacted by Japanese tsunami. The fund is used, “to support search and rescue teams and for companion animal relief during natural disasters†and […]
If you’re in the online space you should probably follow the Google Webmaster Central Channel on YouTube. Don’t let the name fool you – it’s for everyone. Recently they received an interesting question for Matt Cutts; what are the top 3 items to include in your SEO strategy. (Full video […]