Google has published a facial recognition patent that might be used to auto-tag people across the web.  Auto-tagging, feature recognition, and 3D modeling are far from new concepts so it seems like Google is going to rush to beat Facebook to the punch.  I suspect that in five years you’ll be […]
Daily Archives: March 2, 2011
3 posts
Another wonderful cross post from the glorious uTest blog: There are only two kinds of people who aren’t following the iPad 2 saga with every waking moment – luddites and first gen iPad owners. I fall into the second category. Before we get into the iPad 2 details, a quick […]
Copied from my post on the uTest blog. Google’s off to a pretty intense start in 2011 – from a change in CEO to launching new products that compete directly with some of the biggest tech companies including Microsoft, Amazon and of course, Apple. It’s no secret that web and mobile […]