As the Meeting Cost Calculator illustrates, people are increasingly aware of the cost of pointless and long-winded meetings. This is always a crucial consideration – in person meetings, however, is easy to recognize that the CEO or VP are sitting there tapping their fingers. With email distribution lists we tend […]
Monthly Archives: February 2011
This is a great infographic. Â The most surprising statistic to me was that the peak photo-uploading age is 26 (later than I expected) and even more surprising is that 45 year olds – the lowest photo-upload levels post 26 – is only lower by 30%. Â Everyone is uploading pictures and […]
This will be my first year heading to SXSW and I have little clue of what to expect. I’m fortunate in that I have a few friends who are veterans of the sport and willing to let me tag along. Even with that network it’s certainly an intimidating event – […]
How cool is this? I love having multiple monitors and had wondered about the ability to use the iPad as one. Â Now for just $2 you can turn your iPad into a second monitor with DisplayLink. I had no problems with the wireless setup, it was extremely easy and only […]
This is a cross post from the uTest blog.  The original, with read comments, is available here. One thing I’ve learned in life is that it’s important to test everything to prepare for worst-case scenarios — whether it’s software, emergency response, or simply your new snow tires in a desolate […]
Google has taken a pretty direct shot at Bing and the gloves are off. On Tuesday, Google released a blog post accusing Bing of “stealing” their data.  Danny Sullivan wrote a nice piece on the details of Google’s experiment.  This is a bold accusation and both sides are fighting for search market share. […]