I’m just playing around with vYou as a potential video tool and interested to see if a use case can be made in a business setting. Â There are two reasons I’m interested in testing it. First, I like the potential to embed into a blog post, which would allow […]
Yearly Archives: 2011
Generally I feel that “Twitter analysis†is a bit of an oxymoron – it’s missing the qualitative benefits of the social connections that are made offline and/or long term.  I am, however, interested in sharing content that my core audience will find interesting.  Short of polling 1,600 people, the easiest […]
I friend posted an except of this poem to her Facebook wall and I love it (especially the bold part) and wanted to re-share. Near this Spot are deposited the Remains of one who possessed Beauty without Vanity, Strength without Insolence, Courage without Ferosity, and all the virtues of Man […]
I recently began reading Christopher McDougall’s, “Born To Run”. Â I had heard of it from a few places, including my wife, but my interest really wasn’t piqued until I saw the following TED video (below). Â I finally saw the book on a friends bookshelf and stole it since it was […]
How many trees make a cord? Â Well, it depends on the size of the trees, obviously. Â I’ve wondered this myself and finally stumbled across this information from the University of New Hampshire’s Cooperative Extension. Â This 1-page PDF from UNH describes an easy way to estimate the amount of firewood you’ll […]
“Family members followed Tumilson’s ribbon-winning Labrador retriever, Hawkeye, into the service. Hawkeye later accompanied his new owner, Nichols, Tumilson’s close friend, to the stage, where the Lab dutifully dropped to the floor to listen.”  From here. I’m speech-less.
[Cross Post from the uTest Software Testing Blog.] We’re just about halfway through the year but I’m calling it now: 2011 is the year of the hacker. Grim?  Maybe.  Just about every week there has been a new story about a company being hacked and it’s costing companies millions of […]
I  admit it; I don’t know as much about the American Revolutionary War as I feel I should, especially for a resident of Concord, MA – arguably the birthplace of the American Revolution.  (My wife, born in Philadelphia where the Declaration of Independence was signed 442 days later, always finds […]
As my dog, Cooper, keeps my feet warm as I type this I wanted to post a quick follow-up to our March tweet-a-thon to help aid dogs impacted by Japanese tsunami. The fund is used, “to support search and rescue teams and for companion animal relief during natural disasters†and […]
If you’re in the online space you should probably follow the Google Webmaster Central Channel on YouTube. Don’t let the name fool you – it’s for everyone. Recently they received an interesting question for Matt Cutts; what are the top 3 items to include in your SEO strategy. (Full video […]