From TechCrunch – For most people on the Web, if Google or Yahoo cannot find something, it doesn’t exist. That has been one of the biggest drawbacks to creating a Website or application that displays itself as a Flash (SWF) file. Search engines could see the file, but they could […]
Yearly Archives: 2008
Is this a surprise? I’m just curious who is going to yield first – Yang, or Balmer? We’ve got multiple sources at both Yahoo and Microsoft telling us that official talks are back on between the two companies. But we’re hearing something different than CNET – the talks are about […]
Here is a really interesting article. Snippit: Apple’s (AAPL) iPhone plays the same bit part in Roth’s story that the original Macintosh played in Microsoft Windows’: a inspiring example to show what’s possible — and perhaps be mined for stealable ideas — while the standard-setting steamroller grabs that 90% market […]
I just wanted to share a link on Search Engine Journal. I’ve only had time to browse a fraction of the links but they’re all useful and/or entertaining.
John Battelle wrote, Stewart and Caterina are leaving Yahoo. I also have heard about at least one other high level departure, but I cannot report that yet. Scores of lower level folks are leaving, most too junior to merit reporting, but very significant anyway. If Yahoo’s board is not in […]
This is off topic but I had to rank since I’m pretty unhappy about this (my wife and I take full advantage of it) and I can’t imagine how this will help provide a better customer experience. Maybe people were abusing it, but I can only suspect that they’re hoping […]
John Battelle posted a quick comment on Google’s share of the mobile search market: Probably not surprising to readers of this site (ars): Google managed to spank the rest of the mobile search world during the first quarter of 2008, according to data from Nielsen Mobile. The search giant managed […]
Interesting articles on the fake clicks coming in from AVG: Six months ago, AVG acquired Exploit Prevention Labs and its Linkscanner, a tool that automatically scans search engine results before you click on them. If you search Google, for instance, and ten results turn up, it visits all ten links […]