Twitter has purchased Summize for a rumored $15M. Here’s Twitter’s blog on the subject. I’m still luke warm on Twitter, but I certainly think this is a good purchase for them.
“Summize is a popular service for searching Twitter and keeping up with emerging trends in real-time. Like Twitter, Summize offers an API so other products and services can filter the constant queue of updates in a variety of ways. The Summize service and API will be merged with our own and integrated under the Twitter brand.
There is an undeniable need to search, filter, and otherwise interact with the volumes of news and information being transmitted to Twitter every second. We will be adding search and its related features to the core offering of Twitter in the very near future. In the meantime, everyone is welcome to access search.twitter.com—there’s no need for a Twitter account”
Real time data? How long until Google acquires both?