Based on some urging from the Kuhn brothers, here are some of my preliminary thoughts on the [16GB] 3G iPhone. Since it’s too easy to find fan-boy sites hailing the iPhone, I’m going to err on the critical side. Also, considering I use non-Apple applications the majority of the time, […]
Monthly Archives: July 2008
3 posts
Twitter has purchased Summize for a rumored $15M. Here’s Twitter’s blog on the subject. I’m still luke warm on Twitter, but I certainly think this is a good purchase for them. “Summize is a popular service for searching Twitter and keeping up with emerging trends in real-time. Like Twitter, Summize […]
From TechCrunch – For most people on the Web, if Google or Yahoo cannot find something, it doesn’t exist. That has been one of the biggest drawbacks to creating a Website or application that displays itself as a Flash (SWF) file. Search engines could see the file, but they could […]