Monthly Archives: June 2008
Is this a surprise? I’m just curious who is going to yield first – Yang, or Balmer? We’ve got multiple sources at both Yahoo and Microsoft telling us that official talks are back on between the two companies. But we’re hearing something different than CNET – the talks are about […]
Here is a really interesting article. Snippit: Apple’s (AAPL) iPhone plays the same bit part in Roth’s story that the original Macintosh played in Microsoft Windows’: a inspiring example to show what’s possible — and perhaps be mined for stealable ideas — while the standard-setting steamroller grabs that 90% market […]
I just wanted to share a link on Search Engine Journal. I’ve only had time to browse a fraction of the links but they’re all useful and/or entertaining.
John Battelle wrote, Stewart and Caterina are leaving Yahoo. I also have heard about at least one other high level departure, but I cannot report that yet. Scores of lower level folks are leaving, most too junior to merit reporting, but very significant anyway. If Yahoo’s board is not in […]
This is off topic but I had to rank since I’m pretty unhappy about this (my wife and I take full advantage of it) and I can’t imagine how this will help provide a better customer experience. Maybe people were abusing it, but I can only suspect that they’re hoping […]
John Battelle posted a quick comment on Google’s share of the mobile search market: Probably not surprising to readers of this site (ars): Google managed to spank the rest of the mobile search world during the first quarter of 2008, according to data from Nielsen Mobile. The search giant managed […]
Interesting articles on the fake clicks coming in from AVG: Six months ago, AVG acquired Exploit Prevention Labs and its Linkscanner, a tool that automatically scans search engine results before you click on them. If you search Google, for instance, and ten results turn up, it visits all ten links […]
This is a huge loss for Balmer. Whether or not he’ll admit it is another story… Yahoo! Inks Ad Syndication Deal With Google Jun 12 The WSJ reported that Google and Yahoo! have inked a non-exclusive ad deal Yahoo said it will display some ads sold by Google in an […]